Thursday, August 16, 2007

Toronto: The largest city in Canada

Yesterday was a Toronto day. It was assume, I've never been to such a big city before. It wasn't the most beautiful city I've ever seen ('cause I'm so cool and have been to so many cities, or not), but it sure was something special about it. Very north american with all the high buildings on each side of the road and with all the skyscrapers. First we went to the CN Tower which is almost a compulsory thing to do when visiting Toronto. It was cool to see the city from above, although we didn't see all of it, it's too big for that.

After the CN Tower we had the whole afternoon off to do whatever we wanted. I myself went to the harbour with Gabbie to catch the farry for visit on Centre Island. I liked it out there, it was like a big park with big green areas, idyllic little bridges, carousels and animals for the children, unbelievably expensive ice cream, and so on. All the things you need for a perfect picnic day.

After Centre Island we intended to visit China Town, since noone of has had ever been to such thing before. Unfortunatly, and although I was an excellent map reader (hrm), we didn't have the time to go there. That'll have to be for another time. Nevertheless on our way there, we found some very cool shops in Queen St, for example one were you could find a least a hundred different buttons.

After we'd catched up with the other EF people and eaten our dinner at the Hardrock Cafe all of us went to a baseboll game. I just have to say this, I'm sorry but: Baseball is quite a boring game to watch. At least if you're watching it for too long. It felt like they almost didn't do anything, the catcher and the pitcher and whatever their names are. It's not at all as cool and dramatic as it looks like on TV. So we sat down for two and a half hour, taking pictures, talking, clapping when everybody else was clapping, booing when everybody else was booing, you know. But now I've been to a baseball game, I'm proud of that and I'm very glad we went there. Just wish I would have getting to know the rules before the game, instead of afterwards.

I've been taking a lot of pictures, with my digital camera, so now you know all you people who were wondering why a brought the analog camera. You'll be very pleased to know that now I'm wondering too.


Brollan Tobbe said...

Tjena Sis!

Sitter här i Grebbestad med landstingets slöa uppkoppling och läser om dina strapatser. Det verkar kul att vara i Kanada även om stora städer alltid har sina baksidor i smog, skyskrapor och risken att man missat något när man åker därifrån. Haha. Grebbestad är mera lagom, eller? I övermorgon bär det av till Koster för 30-årsfest och sedan jobb igen. Hurra! :) Hoppas att du har det roligt på ditt camp och att New Brunswick blir till och med bättre än du förväntat dig. Glöm inte att göra allt det där du inte kan eller får göra i Sverige, typ rafting, grizzly bear kissing, mountain top jumping och så vidare. Kram från brorsan Tobbelito

Krysmynta said...

wow, låter nice! Kul med en dag i Toronto, kan tippa att det är en ganska stor stad... underbart! Du är såå cool elin ;P
Häftigt att ni fick göra vad ni ville och åkte ut till idyllen, lät bra. Idyll kan vara skönt tycker jag. Fast bra att kunan reglerna, det håller jag med om.
Hihi, du skriver bra =) *fniss*
kram kram

Bex said...

hej igen elin! Toronto! är det inte där man spelar massa ishockey? :P Du måste förklara reglerna i baseboll för mig har aldrig fattat dom!! längtar tills jag kan få se bilderna! digitalkameror for life ;) Ha de fortsatt skitbra