Monday, August 13, 2007

The camp

Okay, now it's my third day here on camp in Toronto. It really doesn't happen that much around here, or, not as much as I would want to. Now is our free time and I come straightly from a soccer tournament between the four homerooms. Unfortunatly our homeroom didn't win, but we made a good third.

Today and yesterday we had our first classes; English, Canadian Geography, Life in Canada and something wierd that's called Administration. The main purpose of that class is to collect money from the students for different events. Yesterday afternoon we went to the second biggest mall in Canada. It wasn't as big as I'd thought it'd be, but yet big enough to get lost in three times. Thanks heaven for information desks!

It's amazing, I would guess probably 50 % of all the students here are germans. They are everywhere, I'm living with three of them myself. And they all speak german to each other, great! Or not. No, now I'm being a little bit unfair, they were much worse in the beginning, now they actually speak mostly english.

So, there isn't very much more to tell you at the moment. People are very nice here, open minded. Sometimes the conversations fade out and it gets all quiet. That is sad, but that too is getting better as the camp goes on and there are more things to talk about. And oh, the japanese girls are so funny, they're like a big choir.

During these two weeks I won't be able to show you any pictures since I can't get them into the computer, but once I'm with my host family I will. I'm so tired, now I'm gonna go and read.


Ann-Marie said...

Hej Elin!
Det blir säkert bättre och bättre, när ni lär känna varandra och, som du skriver, har mer gemensamma upplevelser att prata om. Du kanske t.o.m. lär dig lite tyska på köpet :)? Hoppas att de inte skinnar er på för mycket fickpengar, det behövs ju lite när skolan börjar också...Jag förstår att du är trött, omställningen tar nog lite tid, och så en massa nytt - inkl. språket! Sköt om dig, kul att du orkar skriva lite. Stor kram! Mamma

Krysmynta said...

jag fuskar också med språket nu =) Vad bra att det går bra för dig! Eller såklart att det gör det. Typiskt med tyskarna men de skärper sig nog tror jag, de kommer ju fatta hur trevlig du är att snacka med. Själv är jag ganska nervös nu, men det fixar sig nog. Nu vill jag mest komma iväg och slippa gå här hemma och vara nervös och säga hejdå. Det är så jobbigt. Men det låter som spännande lektioner! Hoppas du lär dig massa!
kram kram