Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Niagara Falls

I feel very good about this: When I come home, and people are gonna ask me if i evere saw the Niagara Falls ('cause mainly that's all people know about Canada) I'm gonna answer them by saying 'Yes, I saw the Niagara Falls on my 10th day in Canada'. You couldn't use your time better, it was totally amazing! I will never again do anything that'll be anywhere near the experience in standing on a boat, dressed in a plastic rain coat in the middle of the horse shoe falls (the Canadian falls).

There are two falls, the american one and the canadian one. The canadian one's of course about ten times more amazing then the american one. That is actually the truth, it's not only because I'm living in Canada and have a good eye to this country, as you might think. I'll tell you why; First of all the canadian fall is formed like a horse shoe (therefore the name), the american fall is just flat. Second is that in the american fall there are plenty of very big rocks, browsing and stopping the water so that the height of the water falling is divided into two. Third of all, I mean come on, american or canadian, what do you choose, not a very hard question ;) Okay, so maybe I am a bit partic.

We left after breakfast and three of those magic yellow schoolbuses took us first to Niagara on the lake, a lovely little town, though very touristic, then to the flower clock, where we didn't stay for long since it was raining and finally we arrived at Niagara Falls city to see one of the worlds greatest wonders, the Niagara Falls. We went on the Maid of the Mist, a tour boat which took us right into the falls. Fantastic! I costed twelve bucks but it was worth every single penny of it.

The time between Maid of The Mist and dinner at Plannet Hollywood we spent in the city. Me, Gabbi, Wiebke and Annika. Wonderful girls, I love them! Unfortunatly I can't say the same about the sourroundings arond the falls. It was like a tivoli street, with theatres, museums, wax cabinetts, ghost houses, souvenier shops, fast food resturants and flashes and lights and noise everywhere. I didn't buy anything, although it would be nice to have a sweater which says 'Canadaian' or something like that, but I'm going to stay here for a year, so there's no hurry.

After an very entertaining dinner we went to see the falls by night. They light them up with flashes and lights in different colours, it looked quite spectacular. But personally I prefer the falls by day; natural glory.

The end of the camp is getting nearer. It feels a little bit sad, I've been getting used to the routins here and all the nice people. But of course I can't wait to meet my host family, I'm so excited about it :D And the farm... wow. Today was our last day in the normal classes, on thursday we're going to do something different I think. We wrote our name on a post card and passed it around the class for everybody to write a little comment on it. It was nice, Hilda collected them and she's going to send them to us in a month, 'when the honey moon with our host families is over'.

Tonight we're going to see a musical, it's called 'We will rock you'. Ring any bells? Moha, I thought so, music by Queen. It costs 40 dollars and is not compulsory, but I think I'll never have this opportunity again, it isn't very expensive for being a musical. Or, at least i like to tell myself so ;)


Krysmynta said...

vad härligt att du har det bra! Häftight med niagara fallen, men du ska veta att Mexiko också har några såna, hm. ;P INte lika kända dock. Hoppas det blir bra p framen, hälsa hästarna från mig!
Själv så är jag i malmö nu, ska åka från kastrup imorgon. Men jag är coollugn. Ha det bäst tjejen!

kram kram

Ann-Marie said...

Hej Elin!
Vad kul att du redan fått uppleva Niagara, och att det var en fantastisk upplevelse! Jag tänker ofta på dig, och funderade lite över hur du haft det sedan ditt senaste inlägg,men nu förstår jag att du har det toppenbra! Kul med dina nya vänner, det blir kanske många att hålla kontakt med efter lägret? Jag utgår från, att du inte för en minut ångrar att du åkte på introduktionslägret, även om det nu är jättespännande att få ta nästa steg och träffa familjen. Jag är nog lika spänd och nyfiken på det som du, och hoppas att få höra av dig då ni hunnit umgås en del. Ser även fram emot lite mailkontakt, när du förhoppningsvis kunnat koppla upp dig - kanske t.o.m. Skypesamtal? Själv har jag varit i Stockholm, och kan hälsa från både farmor och Andreas (som jag åt middag med innan hemflygningen sent ikväll).
Kram, mamma

Hanna said...

Hej Elin, vad roligt att du skrivit igen. Låter som en kickstart på Kanadavistelsen. Och jag är så avis på Queen-musikalen... en recension asap, tack! :) Kram, H