Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Exams and 'Guys and Dolls'

Hey there people! Now it has already been a while since the last report. And it has been the busiest of times, next time I'm complaining about high school work in Sweden remind me to think back on these times. It is crazy. Such a thing as student democracy and two major pass-ins or tests a week etc... Screw it! Here you can have the math teacher telling you on tuesday about atest on thursday and if you have outside school activities that make it impossible for you to study, then it's too bad so sad. And the same time you can have two english research papers and one or two other tests. Noone cares, teachers don't talk to each other or anything, it's the students problem.

I'm not saying that it is necessarly a bad thing that they are more strict here and concerned about University and Collage after graduation. But eventually it got to a point for me that I had to spend like every afternoon/night a week to study and get all my things done. Otherwise I would have been screwed. And then I can only imagine what it is like for people in the basketball team or on the year book staff. But now we had a snow day yesterday actually, so it's thanks to that I'm able to sit here and write this now.

Next week is exam week. If you have a mark of 85% and over you can get an Academic Exemption. I've got two of those so far. If you've got only six absenses and a 75% or more mark, then you can get an Attendence Exemption, but you can only have three of those in total. I have to write math for sure. That would be on Friday. I was right on the edge but today I bombed the math test, so now the battle's over. I have to write it. I got an exemption in World Issues and Music (hm, I wonder why, anyone see a logical pattern here? :P). I don't know about Political Science, but I suspect that I might have to write that one too. That would be on Tuesday in that case. I don't know about English either yet. Tomorrow I know for sure.

Monday I tried out for the JMA spring musical, 'Guys and Dolls'. It was ok, I'd practiced my speech all weekend with Baukje but despite that I messed up a couple of time. But after talking to people it seems like more people did the same thing so it might not have had a devestating effect on the impression of my whole performance. I tried out for a major part, so that means that I had to sing a song too. I chose "Maybe this time", from Cabaret. It sounded different, I don't know what made it sound like that. But anyway, I'm so glad it's overwith, now I just have to wait.

A lot of people are trying out for the musical ll of a sudden. People who before were scared that people would make fun of them for being in such a thing are taking there chance now, since almost everyone is trying out. That means a lot of competition of course, but I'm so glad that people finally have the courage to just go for it, and don't care if it's for cool people or geeks or what. Although I doubt that they will get enough guys for the male parts. Why is it always girls going into things like this? It's retarded.

Well, that's all for now. I don't really have any new interesting pictures so I'm just going to add some from Baukje's birtday party two weeks ago. And one from the dance before Christmas too =D

1 comment:

Krysmynta said...

It's retarded? Haha, det var roligt :P bra att ni har ett system med undantag och sa, har ar det inte lika latt, lararna snackar mer ihop sig for att ha proven samma vecka... men jag behover ju a andra sidan inte plugga sa varst mycket, hihi. Idag hade jag min forsta franskalektion, forstod inte mycket, me det var ok =)
Hoppas du har det bra! Snart ger jag vig av ner till sodra Mexiko och tittar pa pyramider! Nar aker du till Californien?
Massa kramar!