Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy 18th birthday Linnea! Although it's a little late... hrm ;)

Now we are finally on christmas break, and we will be so for the next two weeks. I am not really sure how to spend it yet, but I'm sure it won't be a problem. Taking into consideration how busy it has been these past weeks, with school work and everything I am really looking forward to some relaxing and getting some reading done again. I have all my christmas gifts done, I'm so proud :) I behind with some school work as well, so I'll have some catching up to do.

And, I have to start exercising again. I havn't even been going for my precious walks lately, this is a big problem as you can imagine. I'm also planning to start eating better, like more fruit and lettuce, and drinking more water and stuff. And to not dry my hair every morning without using any type of conditioner. Well, I'm sure all that was of great interest for all of you.

Tuesday was the semi-formal dance. It was a lot of fun, I love dances. Although the last one in the gym was even more fun. I liked it better in the gym, not quite as open as in the cafeteria. But anyway, this dance was fun too. I was getting ready at Amanda's place. Haha, I got her to curl my hair. It took like an hour. And then I didn't like it so she had to straighten it, haha, I'm sorry Amanda :P

Then Wednesday was the last DriverEd theory lesson. Or at least so we though; Bud feels like he hasn't covered the whole course that he was supposed to cover, so we'll have two more hours in january. And I will meet with him on the Christmas break because I missed it once. Then I have to write the theory test before I can start taking driving lessons.

I'm so excited, the high school is doing a musical next semester, Guys and Dolls. Mr Spencer, Mr Legge and some other teacher arethe supervisors and the auditions are going to be held in January some time. So cool! A lot of the people I know are going to try out too. So that is hopefully gonna be a lot of fun, a big time killer and a lot of work and commitment. Bring it on, I'm ready to give.

Well, that would probably be it for this time. Merry Christmas again and Happy New Year too!


Krysmynta said...

hej! Coolt det later! =) Later som om du verkligen har fullt upp, det ar bra =) Ta inte ut dig totalt bara XD
Hihi, Elin i lockigt har, later spannande, skulle jag velat se... men en dans i ett gym later lite trangt, eller var dte en gympasal?
Jag kom just hem fran en grillfest plus massa stadning i casa de los abuelitos. Trott, massa folk som springer runt, skriker och har sig. Locos como todos los mexicanos, como me dicen =)
Pues, espero que pases Navidad superbien y que no te pierdas en todo el nieve!
Bye! Feliz Navidad! Te quiero! XD

Anonymous said...

Hej Elin! Elina här. Tänkte börja lyssna på Lasse Lindh (du har länkat honom på din elinskriver-blogg). Har du några tips på låtar som man kan börja med, någon favoriter? Hoppas du får en fortsatt fin vistelse i landet på andra sidan havet :o)

Anonymous said...

Det stämmer helt att jag pluggar på Öland, fram till maj. Det känns som ett väldigt bra val - även om jag inte "blir något" av det gör det mig gott och det är sånt man behöver lyssna till lite mer.

Hoppas det går fint med körutbildningen, jag och mitt körkort firar två veckor tillsammans nu i dagarna :o)

Ha det jättejättebra!