Sunday, December 2, 2007

The crazy hat society

Last week was insane. I think it was the busiest week so far. And then of course I had to catch a really annoying cold too. But anyway, I'll tell you what last week was all about.

Tuesday I had my DriverEd course from 4-8, as I have every tuesday it just seemed so much longer last week because of the cold. Then wednesday I was chosen among four other students to go to an enrichment project held in a school in Moncton. It was so cool, like a workshop with two authors. They taught us all about writing murder mysteries. I didn't know much about that before, so it was really interesting. They had created like a murder mystery for us to solve. They had five different group which were suspected to have commited the murder, and every group had a certain background and characteristics and so on.

Then we were divided into these five groups. I was a Shine On Me. We knew Katie (the victim) because we had all been involved in arraging a tour for people who wrote poetry. It was a week on a cruise ship with a well-known poet who would work with the up and coming writers. Of course, there was no well-known poet and the ship was a wreck. The group were only out for two days and weren't even fed properly. They had to get themselves home after the ship put them off on a very poor island in the Caribbean. Eventually all of us went to prison but Katie didn't (that was our motiv). We worked in the jail pharmacy so we know a lot about poisons (Katie was poisoned to death). We whisper to each other and we all speak at once. We have a one track mind and are very stubborn.

Every group wore a different kind of funny hats, so that we would be able to tell each other apart. The authors gave us things to do, like writing the murder scene or plan out how Katie was murdered and then act it in front of everyone. In the end my group wasn't the one who did it. We weren't smart enough *tssk offended*. It was a little difficult with the english and I was nervous to read what I had written in front of the whole group, but it turned out fine. We even got a diploma :D

Anyway, I was on that thing wednesday thursday. On thursday night I went with Mandy and Ashley to the living Christmas Tree, that was really nice. The light shows were incredible, really. And the choir was very professional too. That was a show they can be proud of. Then, guess what I did yesterday. I went to Moncton High with my english class to see Yann Martel. Yann Martel! The author of like the best book ever, "Life of Pi". I've seen and heard Yann Martel speak live for an hour, I'm so cool! :D He spoke about the illustrated version of Life of Pi. But he didn't speak only about the pictures, he spoke a lot about his inspiration and different interpretations of the two stories in the book and meaning of life and stuff. It was quite deep, but at the same time he was a really down-to-Earth kind of person. I loved it!

Yesterday all the exchange students had dinner in Moncton. We had a gift exchange, it was really nice. I got candy, and a crazy plastic panda, haha. And Janet gave all of us a bag with things from Moncton and Canada. It was really cool.

I have so much to do in school now it's not even funny. Every teacher seems to think next week is a perfect week to have all tests, quiezes and project presentations. Awesome! That's probably international. So, that's part of why I'm stressed, I have so much stuff to do. Have to write a novel to present on Dec 17th too (last day with the two authors) I'm going to write about child labour. More than that, I don't know. And every lunch we have Singing Christmas Tree practice and meetings and stuff. Friday at lunch time I didn't even eat. Stupid I know, but I was running around from meeting to practice to appointments with teachers and so on. Well, it's working for now.

Now I have to go and drink coffee. I drink coffee at least two times a day now a days, haha ;) I'm addicted.


Ann-Marie said...

Hej Elin!
Kul att du skriver lite oftare nu, det är jättespännande att höra vad du gör, och hur du har det! Det låter inte som om du är direkt undersysselsatt längre, nu kanske det mer gäller att hitta balansen, så du inte blir knäckt av att ha för mycket omkring dig. Du verkar i alla fall ha kommit in i en massa konstellationer - det var ju en ära att få ingå i "författargruppen". Vi kanske får hem en fullfjädrad författare! Jag är riktigt avis på att du fått träffa och lyssna på Yan Martel, det var ju en höjdare för dig! Och, även om skolan ställer stora krav nu, så betyder det ju också att du är "en i gänget". Här har också varit full rulle, idag har jag sjungit i kyrkan i princip mellan 9.30-19, med ett par timmars paus! Fullt hus båda gångerna, så det var kul (1:a advent idag). Må gott nu, och visa gärna när du är tillgänglig på Skype, jag skulle vilja testa att ringa via den tjänsten!
Kram, mamma

Elin said...

Oftare? hm, 18 nov, 2 dec... tja, om det är ofta nog så är ju jag nöjd ;)*låtsas inte om linnea som är duktig och skriver varje söndag*

Krysmynta said...

ah, later bra det dar tycker jag =) maste nog satta mig ner en dag och lasa den dar boken om pi. Men det blir nog nasta ar kan jag tippa. Elin, kan du tanka dig att vi nu har varit borta un chorro de dagar? Jag passerade 100-dagarsgransen i fredags. Jag firade med djungelvral! =D
Haha, ja det adr med alla prov pa en ganga ar universellt...
Ha det gutt och ta det lugnt med pojkarna! Kramar!

Anonymous said...

Ja, troligen sa det ar