Sunday, November 18, 2007


Happy birthday Kajsa! A little late I know but better late than never, eh? ;)
Time for another post, I feel it's time again to let you all know what is happening on the farm. I know my latest post was called "Facing problems" and that I there adressed my problems but also promised to try to solve them. Well, that's what I've been trying to do lately, and even though I'm not all there yet it feels like it's going in the right direction.

Somehow it gets easier to fill up the days. There's always something going on. Last weekend I went to a Wildcats hockey game with Paige and her family (they bought me a ticket, they're so nice). So now people I'm a real Canadian, kind of, at least I've been to a hockey game. Paige's parents even bought me a Wildcat-sweater and a hat.

I've also started taking a driving course called DriverEd. We get together for a theory lesson once a week, every tuesday from 4-8 pm. It's a long day and the last hour may not be the nicest but over all I like it. I have half an hour between school ends and DriverEd starts, so I usually go and buy a drink and if there's anything else I need.

Another thing that has started lately is The Singing Christmas Tree. It's for grade twelve students. Everyone that's interested signs up for it and then there are meeting approximately twice a week, at lunchtime. Wednesday two weeks ago I had my first Yearbook meeting. It wasn't too exciting but I know a lot more about editing pictures now, so that's good. There'll be another meeting this thursday I think. This thursday evening there was this thing called Coffee house in school. It was cool, lot's of kids showing there musical talents for anyone who decided to go there and watch. And no, I didn't perform, I was just watching.

I've also been helping out in the barn a little lately. I just go there randomly some days when they ask me if I want to go. I always want to go, I still think it's fun (wonder how long that's going to last). I like the work, it's like mucking stalls, I love that too. You feel that you are doing something good, eh. And you don't have to think too, too much.

Yesterday I went to the mall in Moncton with Alison from China and Perlie from Colombia. I know, I'm so international ;) It was fun to meet them again, they're really nice and they are the ones who best understand what it's like to do an exchange year like this.Obviously, since they're doing it too.

The thing that I'm probably least focused on right now is the chool work. Not good. We have some Model Parliament thing tuesday in Political Science. Kind of like MUN, but with the difference that I don't have a clue what I'm supposed to be doing. I just havn't had my mind on the school work lately, focusing so much on everything outside. I know I'm slacking, but my grades so far are good so it's not like I'm failing or anything. Yet. Hrm. Well, I'm staying for extra help in English tomorrow. We're reading MacBeth and I must say that Shakespearean english isn't my favorite thing.

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