Monday, May 26, 2008

Save the best for last?

Sorry, I'm not that active in writing you nowadays. It's mostly because I don't feel like I have that much to tell. The end is getting closer and closer, today in a month I'll be home again. And it feels good, sort of. Of course it's going to be hard to leave the family, who definately feels like my second family by now.

But then again, I feel more and more like I've done my share here, I did what I came to do. And since it's so close to the end it's kind of pointless to start something new anyway, all I can do is to keep going and do what I've been doing. Also when you're so close to the end you sort of realize all the things you've missed, at least I do. I find myself wanting swedish food again, or wanting to go shopping in my town. Small things like that. And I can't wait to see everyone!

The pictures you see are from me and the outdoor pursuits class going to a thing called Treego (tree go). As you can see it's a coarse in going in trees, or between trees. It was so much fun! But Dad, I wonder if it would be a good idea for you, cuz it's quite high ;) 70 feet at some places I believe.

The normal school days are over in 12 days. Then we have exam week, and then prom, and then graduation. I know I'll need to write some exams, but that's nothing new. I didn't exactly try my hardest so to speak. Surprisingly the days seem to be going slower, probabely since we hardly have any of them left.

Last week the house was filled by Dutch relatives. That was nice, even tho they didn't speak much english, but that's okay. It was only sometimes by the dinner table that I found it quite boring, haha. But then I could go off to my room so that worked out fine. Friday was the big anniversary party, which was a ood time. I hung out more with the english people logically :P It was a good time!

I have my prom dress, or, I'm borrowing one from Baukje. It's nice I like it a lot. It's in two different shades of blue and glittery, you tie it around the neck and it's sort of figure shaped. It goes nice with blond hair, as we said it's going to be a good representation of Sweden ;) My parents are coming for prom, I'm really looking forward to it. After all I havn't seen them in almost a year. Then when I come home I hope noone has any special plans for thet Friday night. It's a good night for a Elin-is-home-again party or what do you say? =P Don't make plans!

I'm so excited for next year at home. Can't wait to get to know new people at home, and to hang out with some old ones of course (the ones who don't leave town too fast that is)!

See you in a month!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Last week we went camping with the outdoor pursuits class. I'm not in that class, but they only had one girl who was going to come so they invited me. It was really fun; The first day we walked for about 2 hours and then we put our tents up and went out wood hunting (At leas me and Tommi did, the guys... hrm ;P). The second day was the work day, we walked with our backpacks from 10 o'clock in the morning and we reached the camp at about 7.30 at night.

I'm quite proud actually, I mean, we crossed two rivers and had some crazy uphill parts. Guess if I was tired that night, I slept like stone (doesn't make sense in English but anyway). The last day we walked for about 2 or 3 hours.It was really fun, Fundy National Park is so beautiful, it's how you picture Canada with the river and the forrests, the "redish" soil and the hills. We even saw some traces of the old wood industry, you know when they let the stocks flow down the river.

Otherwise not much has changed. We have 18 more days of school, it feels really wierd, but at the same time I'm relieved. Not that I can't get by school, I like it, but I love Stagnelius and all that comes with it. It's really not fair that I compare this school to my old school, but I can't help it, it's subconscious.

Mom and Dad come here June 11th. It's going to be so much fun to show them around at let them meet the Leenstra family and all. Now they can see for real where I've spent these 10 months. I'm so bringing them down to Fundy National Park, and to that island that is one of the most photograohed islands in Canada or something (unfortunatly I don't remember it's name.)

That was all for now. Oh by the way, I've found the most awesome Canadian group, The Arrogant Worms. They're so anti-patriotic, it's sweet!