Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fall in New Brunswick

I am so sorry for the delay, everyone! I understand if you begin to wonder if I'm still alive or not, but for your information; Yes, I'm alive.

I have a really good feeling right now, but as with everything else in an exchange year, everything goes up and down. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here and sometimes, quite often actually, everything feels right and I feel strong, grown up and independent. It's a wonderful feeling.

Soon I've been here in Canada for two months, time flies by so fast sometimes I can't even see it. I'm going to school with the school bus every day, trying the best I can to fit into the school (ehich isn't easy, believe me. They've known each other for 12 years. But I'm doing okay anyway). I have one quite good friend. her name is Paige and she is so nice. She takes me to things and her family almost starts to feel like my second host family. With her dad teasing me all the time about swedish meatballs and her boyfriend and sister and mom. They are all wonderful, thank you so much for everything!

Yesterday I had thanksgiving dinner with Paige's family. That was very nice. We didn't eat turkey though, but that's okay, I made my host family make turkey for our thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Baukje and Wiebe are threatening with stuffing it down my throat if I don't finish it (they would rather like to have chicken). Hmhm, we'll see about that is my response.

Today we went apple picking. It was really nice, beautiful autumns day, I felt like a real canadian climbing those trees (especially when the ladder fell completely over, hehe). But no more apples for today, I see apples everywhere, even when I close my eyes.

Hm, do I have anything more to tell you... yes, sorry for not answering things, like emails and stuff, I realise I'm not very good at that. It's not because I don't want to talk to you, it's just that I don't really have time and when i have time I forget or don't really feel like it. I'll try to improve, promise! Yes, another thing, we made up countries in the political scinece class and presented them in front of the class. People said I looked so confident and acted like it was perfectly natural that our country existed. For that I must thank the Model United Nations, finelly I got to use my cool MUN attitude. It really helps you, anyone who ever doubted about the meaning of MUN, never again.

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

Hej gumman!
Jag skrev just ett längre inlägg, men min inloggning misslyckades, det försvann och jag gör ett nytt försök! Så kul att äntligen hitta lite nyheter från dig, jag kollar och hoppas dagligen...Härligt att du trivs, känner dig trygg och vuxen (inte för vuxen, väl?), och får vara med om trevligheter som Thanksgiving och äppelplockning. Vi kämpar också med våra äpplen, skickade med T+M lite frukt idag, de var här över helgen. Lilla Nea växer och mår fint, men det är inte så stor skillnad än från hur hon såg ut då du träffade henne. Det vore kul, om du tycker du har lust och hinner, att få lite svar på mail som jag skickat. Funkar t.ex. din kamera, eller är det enbart Tineke som står för alla fina bilder (väldigt fina, särskilt i äppelträdet!)? Finns det sovplats för T+M i vår (dvs. föräldrarnas uppfattning om en ev. visit där)? Det ska vara lite läsbart på väg, om det inte redan är framme - om du hinner mellan allt annat som händer omkring dig. Har du några "heta" önskningar till födelsedagen? Hälsa dina familjer, syskon och bästa kompisen!
Kram, mamma