Monday, September 3, 2007

The host family

Hi guys, sorry for my delay. Won't happen again (hrm).

I've now spent a week at my host family's very nice farm in the little tiny "society" named Boundary Creek. The nearest community is located five minutes away by car and is called Salisburg. Where by the way is where I will go to school. If you want to hang out in a bigger town you can take the car to Moncton, takes about 20 minutes. It's a very nice city, with around 100 000 inhabitants and the biggest mall in the Maritimes.

Until now pretty much all I've been doing has been to get myself to feel at home, get to now the house with surroundings. This place is beautiful, later when my internet hopefully works I'll show you some pictures. It's really idyllic with the river and the forest and the fields. The house is quite big with two or three "extra rooms". But right now I'm living in one of them.

The mom and the daugther got three horses. They are very nice, I've been horseback riding twice. The first time was a total disaster but the second time I went by myself just to practice and I think I regained some self confidence. And for all of you who are wondering; Yes, I've been over to the farm to say Hello to the cows (they are very nice by the way), and I even tried to help out with the milking chores *proud* =)

Yesterday my regional coordinater Janet decided that she wanted to gather all the exchange students in the area (which would be three) so that we got to meet each other and share experiences. So she picked me up here at the farm and we went to her house for a barbique. It was very nice, there was a brazilian guy who I had already met and spoken to briefly at the camp. Haha, my gosh, he's so spoiled. And then there was an austrian guy who wasn't at the camp, it was very nice to meet him. He didn't eat anything, picky kid. After dinner we went downtown to buy a cup of coffee at one of the coffee places. I like Moncton, it's my kind of city, not too big.

Hm, what more could I tell you... School starts tomorrow, I'm nervous of course but I think it will be fine. Hehe, at least I really hope it will be fine =) Wish me good luck!

I love you people! Don't mess things up too much now in school and at home, ok? =)


Krysmynta said...

¡Que bien que estás bien! Well, I won't write in spanish, maby its easier in english. Nice to hear from you, I've wondered =) I hope you're having a good time and meeting new people. Cool that you have been milking cows =) Here we hardly dring milk, the healthiest thing you can find is fruit and then you have too look hard. They like cheese and chips and chili in this country. And plastic mugs. My concience is protesting! =) See ya!
kramar fran Monterrey

Brollan Tobbe said...

Tjenare sis!
Sitter här på jobbet och kom på att det är lika bra att boka resan till Kanada så snart som möjligt så länge det är hyggligt billigt. Tror du att vi kan sova hos dina värdföräldrar? Tänkte att Mars kunde vara en bra tid. Eller finns det någon vecka som du vet att du kommer att vara ledig från plugget. Det vore ju det allra trevligaste, för då kan man ju åka till Montreal några dagar, vara på gården några dagar...etc.
Hoppas att du har det kanon där ute på rangen.
Kram Brollan