Friday, March 28, 2008

Montréal and Quebec City

I feel like I am a little behind in my blog posting, I apologize (as always) for that! De senaste dagarna har varit sorgtyngda, detta på grund av en bilolycka som inträffade på vår väg Salisbary Road på onsdagseftermiddagen. Två killar kom körande i lite för hög hastighet och kolliderade med en mötande bil i en "blind hill" (svenska?). Passageren, en 16-åring som gick på vår lilla skola och åkte på min buss, omkom. Föraren ligger fortfarande på sjukhuset, men är numera ansedd att vara i stabilt läge. Denna incident har förstås bringat stor effekt på Salisbury, och framför allt på JMA. Vila i Frid Josh, vi tänker på dig!

On Friday last week I left by plane to meet my brothers in Montréal. From there we planned to drive back to New Brunswick via Quebec City. Everything went as planned, we spent the Friday afternoon/night by walking and eating in Montréal, a really nice city.

Saturday we headed towards Quebec City and after a couple of stops we arrived there in the afternoon. In Quebec City basically we explored the Old Town a bit and on the second day we went to an activity center about 45 minutes from the city by car. It was fun, we visited the Canada's only Ice Hotel, which I found impressing, and tried archery (I rocked the first round, but then my dear brothers unfortunately figured out how to use the bow and quickly passed my skill level =P)

Monday we left Quebec City and drove all the way to Fredericton, New Brunswick. We made some stops on the way of course, for example we had some Subway coffee in Edmunston. We spent the night on a very North American Motel, and next morning after some restuarant breakfast and some tea and scones we drove to Saint John, the biggest city in the province. I like Saint John. It might be because it was a really nice and sunny day, but I think it is my favorite town in New Brunswick. After watching the reversed falls, also located in Saint John, we headed to the Fundy National Park. It was a long and winding road, but I think we all enjoyed it, the landscape down there is lovely.

We arrived in Moncton and Boundery Creek Tuesday Night. Wednesday my brothers came here in the morning to join the morning coffee break. After that I just quickly showed them the house and then we went to see Moncton. We walked down Main Street and visited some shops there. We came back here for lunch, then we started our day trip to Prince Edward Island and Charlottetown. I agree with Ante, it reminded me of Öland, but I can't really explain why. Maybe it's just because it's an island with a long bridge (The Confederation Bridge) that you have to cross (and pay big bucks for) =P

I am happy about this trip. The weather could have been nicer obviously but come on, it's March, what can you expect? Speaking of that, we've had a couple of warmer days but today it is snowing again so... there you go, hehe. It is not spring yet, apparently. Nowadays I also now, by the way, that I'll be coming home on June 26. So now you know that.

That was all for today, pictures might follow. I think I forgot my camera with the boys, otherwise it is in a hotel room somewhere. That would be sad. Anyway, I am going to give them a call and see if they found it and can send it to me from Montréal, they're leaving tomorrow so they should still be there.

Vad gäller läget i skolan så känns det bättre nu. Dagarna går fortare för jag ägnar dem åt att prata med alla möjliga konstiga människor, istället för att bara fokusera på några få. Även om jag inte skulle kalla några av dem mina bästa kompisar direkt så känns det ändå mer avslappnad, jag är mer mig själv. Dramat har hjälpt lite också, dte blir lättare när man har något gemensamt att prata om.